Dorothy Starbuck sold three oil paintings from her collection at the Gadsden Museum of Art last week as part of their 2 Weeks with the Arts Event for 2025. Starbuck was thrilled to have been chosen as one the featured artists for the fundraiser for the Gadsden Arts programs in the community of Quincy, FL. Collect Select Exhibition & Sale was held January 14 – 25, 2025. The Collect Select Exhibition presents the work of highly acclaimed Florida and Southern artists, in the Museum Gallery and cumulates with an art sale of the works on display. The Collect Select Event offers their work for sale as part of the Museum's Annual Fundraising. The sale supports Gadsden Arts and these Florida artists: Hope Barton, Julie Bowland, Joe Claborn, Debortina Studio, Sue Gray, Christian Hamrick, Ann Kozeliski, Nan Liu, D. Arthur McBride, Mark Messersmith, Dick Munroe, Eluster Richardson, and Dorothy Starbuck.
The exhibition hosts an open week with free admission for the show's “Preview Week,” held this year January 14 to Saturday, January 18, 2025. On Saturday, January 18, 2025 the community was invited to a special "Meet the Artists" reception where visitors could mingle with the artists and learn more about their work. Starbuck was in attendance and gave a talk on her work and her experience as a Florida landscape oil painter. The Collect Select Sale closed Saturday, January 25 with bidding online and the results were very exciting for Starbuck. "It was just wonderful! I am thrilled to have my work on display at their lovely museum and to have sold three works is amazing!"
The three paintings in oil that sold were titled: Loxahatchee Palms II, High Dunes, and River Peace. Giclee's of these works may still be available for purchase.