We have been busy this month getting ready to record my latest works in oil. As part of the records, each piece is professionally photographed and the artwork is assigned a description, title and and date. This helps establish the works Provenance. So what is Provenance in Art? Provenance refers to the history of the ownership of a painting or other work of art. Information about the ownership of a painting can come from a range of sources, including descriptions, artist notes, inventories of collections, inventory numbers on the paintings themselves and gallery catalogues.
So why is this important? It provides the facts of the artwork's historical significance based on its ownership history and the artist that created it. Accurate provenance records can be important when a work is sold to a collection. It can validate an artwork's authenticity and rightful ownership, while giving credit to the artist and the time it was created.
We are excited to have more of artworks ready for the website!